Lab Name: Self and Mutual Inductance Coils
Suppliers Product Code: DUFON Lab Tenders - (Self and Mutual Inductance Coils)Lab Name: Fixed Voltage Stabilized Power Supply
Suppliers Product Code: DUFON Lab Tenders - (Fixed Voltage Stabilized Power Supply)Lab Name: Temperature Co-efficient Resistance Coil
Suppliers Product Code: DUFON Lab Tenders - (Temperature Co-efficient Resistance Coil)Lab Name: Portable Wheatstone Bridge
Suppliers Product Code: DUFON Lab Tenders - (Portable Wheatstone Bridge)Lab Name: Portable Wheatstone Bridge with Loop Test
Suppliers Product Code: DUFON Lab Tenders - (Portable Wheatstone Bridge with Loop Test)Lab Name: Conductivity bridge Dip Type
Suppliers Product Code: DUFON Lab Tenders - (Conductivity bridge Dip Type)Lab Name: Self Inductance Bridge
Suppliers Product Code: DUFON Lab Tenders - (Self Inductance Bridge)Lab Name: Industrial Double Bridge
Suppliers Product Code: DUFON Lab Tenders - (Industrial Double Bridge)Lab Name: Adjustable D.C. Current Source
Suppliers Product Code: DUFON Lab Tenders - (Adjustable D.C. Current Source)Lab Name: Conductivity attachment
Suppliers Product Code: DUFON Lab Tenders - (Conductivity attachment)Lab Name: Double Portable Bridge
Suppliers Product Code: DUFON Lab Tenders - (Double Portable Bridge)Lab Name: Copper Constantan Thermocouple
Suppliers Product Code: DUFON Lab Tenders - (Copper Constantan Thermocouple)Lab Name: Callender & Griffith Bridge
Suppliers Product Code: DUFON Lab Tenders - (Callender & Griffith Bridge)Lab Name: Self Inductance Anderson Bridge
Suppliers Product Code: DUFON Lab Tenders - (Self Inductance Anderson Bridge)Lab Name: Wein Series Resistance Bridge
Suppliers Product Code: DUFON Lab Tenders - (Wein Series Resistance Bridge)Lab Name: Maxwell Inductance Bridge
Suppliers Product Code: DUFON Lab Tenders - (Maxwell Inductance Bridge)Lab Name: Maxwell Inductance Capacitance Bridge
Suppliers Product Code: DUFON Lab Tenders - (Maxwell Inductance Capacitance Bridge)Lab Name: Four Dial Condenser Box
Suppliers Product Code: DUFON Lab Tenders - (Four Dial Condenser Box)Lab Name: Fixed Inductance Boxes
Suppliers Product Code: DUFON Lab Tenders - (Fixed Inductance Boxes)Lab Name: Three Dial Inductance Box
Suppliers Product Code: DUFON Lab Tenders - (Three Dial Inductance Box)Lab Name: Resistance Box Constantan & Manganin
Suppliers Product Code: DUFON Lab Tenders - (Resistance Box Constantan & Manganin)Lab Name: Resistance Substitution Box
Suppliers Product Code: DUFON Lab Tenders - (Resistance Substitution Box)Lab Name: Economical Resistance Box Dial Type
Suppliers Product Code: DUFON Lab Tenders - (Economical Resistance Box Dial Type)Lab Name: Potentiometer with Pencil Jockey
Suppliers Product Code: DUFON Lab Tenders - (Potentiometer with Pencil Jockey)Lab Name: Potentiometer with Spring Type Press Jockey
Suppliers Product Code: DUFON Lab Tenders - (Potentiometer with Spring Type Press Jockey)Lab Name: Potentiometer Single wire
Suppliers Product Code: DUFON Lab Tenders - (Potentiometer Single wire)Lab Name: Stabilized Power Supply
Suppliers Product Code: DUFON Lab Tenders - (Stabilized Power Supply)Lab Name: Potentiometer Dial Pattern
Suppliers Product Code: DUFON Lab Tenders - (Potentiometer Dial Pattern)Lab Name: Crompton Potentiometer
Suppliers Product Code: DUFON Lab Tenders - (Crompton Potentiometer)Lab Name: Calibration of Voltmeter & Ammeter
Suppliers Product Code: DUFON Lab Tenders - (Calibration of Voltmeter & Ammeter)Lab Name: P.O. Box Ratio Constantan Coil
Suppliers Product Code: DUFON Lab Tenders - (P.O. Box Ratio Constantan Coil)Lab Name: P.O. Box Ratio Manganin Coil
Suppliers Product Code: DUFON Lab Tenders - (P.O. Box Ratio Manganin Coil)